Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Golden Oscar lollipops

The Oscars are coming up this weekend, and I figured I'd take out my good old trusty Oscars lollipop mold and make a few gilded chocolate lollipops in honor of the event!

For these lollipops (unlike the ones I made a few years ago), I actually dyed the white chocolate "gold" (the coloring said gold, but it was more a yellow-orange), and then sprayed them with the edible gold spray.  I put them in a little shot glass with some gold gumballs that I had ordered a while ago for something and ended up never using.

These are the ones from two years ago, all packaged up:

At this point in time, I have no plans for the Oscars (I actually have dinner reservations with some girlfriends that night), but maybe I'll bring them to my friends at dinner...

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