Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The past year...

I can't believe it was almost a year ago that I was in Massachusetts visiting friends and the suggestion was made (yet again) that I start a blog for my baking.  This time was different, though, as the person suggesting that I start a blog actually knew HOW to start a blog....and helped me do it!  (And, coincidentally, I got back from visiting those same friends a few days ago.  Thanks R & J for a great weekend, as always!)

There have been ups, a few downs (remember the brownies-on-my-jeans episode?), a makeover, a Facebook page, and over 100 recipes posted!  But most importantly, I have enjoyed blogging and sharing my recipes with you.  I hope you've enjoyed reading JulieBakes as much as I've enjoyed creating it for you!

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the past year:



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