Monday, September 24, 2012

Baked Explorations cookbook

Last month I had stumbled into Williams Sonoma and spent some time in the cookbook section.  There were two that I wanted.  I bought one of them then and there, a Bundt Cake cookbook called Cake Simple, and left the other one to pick up on a rainy day.  Well, a few weeks later I went back and bought it (although it wasn't rainy that day).  See, when flipping through the cookbook in the store weeks before, I saw a Nutella scone recipe that, well, I just knew I was going to have to make.

I have to admit that I actually bought this cookbook a few weeks ago and it sat in the bag for a while.  Then I took it out and flipped through it.  There are so many amazing sounding recipes in there!  I can't wait to make them and share them with you!

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