Friday, April 27, 2012

Bride and groom Oreo pops

My friends Molly and John are getting married tomorrow!  Tonight is their rehearsal dinner, and Molly's mom and sister asked if I'd make treats for tonight.  I was more than happy to make the treats.

I wanted something that was transportable and able to be made a little bit ahead of time, since I needed to drop them off a few days early.  See, today is also my dad's birthday, and I'll be home celebrating with him tonight (remember these basketball hoop cookies?  Those were for his early birthday celebration).  So I decided on Oreo pops (and no, I will not be renaming this blog JulieMakesOreoPops, because - with the exception of one more event - I will be taking a long Oreo pop hiatus).

First, I bought these adorable bride and groom royal icing decorations.

Then, I made the Oreo pops (tutorial here) and applied the bride-and-groom decorations to the still wet chocolate, and set them in the fridge to harden.

While they were in the fridge, I made little tags that said "Molly & John," and cut them out with a cute little flower-y paper punch.  I finished them off with a single hole punch for the ribbon.

Lastly, I wrapped them all individually and tied them with a ribbon.

Congratulations, Molly & John!  Can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!

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