Saturday, November 26, 2016

Updates from JulieBakes

The problem with baking so often, and well, is that people start to develop favorites.  My sister?  Blueberry crumb cake.  Mom?  She love cappuccino brownies.  B?  Yellow cake cupcakes, brownies, and ruggelach pinwheels.  One of B's coworkers?  Obsessed with my crumb cake cookies.  

So suffice it to say that while I'm always up for baking new things, sometimes oldies get repeated.  Like between Thanksgiving and mid-December, I remade the blueberry crumb cake, cranberry bliss bars, and crumb cake cookies.  

Now that's not to say that the end of November and December weren't full of new and exciting recipes.  Like pumpkin spice candied nuts (a huge hit at Thanksgiving), 

Suffice it to say that despite continuous baking, I try not to repeat recipes on the blog.  So while you may see a lull in my posts, do not mistake that for inactivity in the kitchen. 

Wishing you all happy holidays, whichever holiday(s) you celebrate, and a happy new year!


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