Monday, September 1, 2014

Halloween preview

I know I've said it before, but I don't love Halloween.  Mostly cause I don't love getting dressed up. While creative in almost every aspect of my life, I completely lack creativity when it comes to a Halloween costume.  If forced to dress up in the past, I always went with "doctor" - I just wore some scrubs and flung my stethoscope around my neck so as to look authentic.

But you know what I do like about Halloween?  The adorable treats I can make!  This was exacerbated Labor Day weekend when I stumbled (ok, ok, I intentionally went there.  I had a great coupon burning a whole in my pocket) into the craft store Michaels and left with a thorough - albeit expensive - haul of Halloween supplies!

Check it out...this is just a sampling of my new goodies:

October will be full of Halloween treats -- my goal is to get you at least one Halloween treat a week during the month of October!!

Happy Halloween!!

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