Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dark chocolate toffee brownie cups

Last weekend my friends E & G invited a few of us over for their newly opened roof deck on the 45th floor of their apartment building.  Since I need a lot less of a reason to bake, I gladly offered up some homemade treats for the event.

I wanted something transportable (I was going over straight from work) but also something tasty.  And I didn't want to make cookies (I don't know why; it could've been those time intensive Brookies I made recently).  So I opted for brownies, but then figured that brownies baked in cupcake tins would be even easier, so I went with that.  I found a recipe for a dark chocolate brownie, and then added a good helping of toffee bits (leftover from those Peanut Butter Monster Cookie Bars), because toffee makes just about everything better.

These brownies are uber rich and chocolate-y -- just the way I like them!!

Dark Chocolate Brownie Cups with Toffee Pieces
I got the brownie recipe from here, but then left off the ganache and added in toffee...but I can't wait to make her original recipe, too!


3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup packed light brown sugar
2 Tbsp coffee or water (I used water, since I didn't feel like making a pot of coffee for 2 Tbsp)
2 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup unsweetened natural cocoa powder or dark cocoa powder (I used dark, since that's my favorite!)
1 tsp instant espresso granules/powder (optional, but it is recommended)
3/4 cup flour

Heath toffee bits, about 1/3 to 1/2 cups....I started with 1/3 cup but then kept adding without actually measuring it, so 1/2 cup is my best estimate


Preheat the oven to 350F.
If making cupcake brownies, line a 12 cup cupcake tin with waxed cucpake papers (I used regular white paper liners and the brownies stuck a little bit.  Waxed liners would probably work a little better, but there's really no harm in using regular papers if that's what you have/want)
If making a tray of brownies, line a 9x9" pan with foil and then spray the foil with cooking spray.

In a large microwave safe bowl, melt the butter.
I do mine in 30 second increments so that the butter doesn't get too hot and/or splatter all over my microwave.
Let the butter cool a little, so that it won't scramble the eggs.
Add the eggs, sugars, vanilla, and coffee.
Whisk to combine.
Add the cocoa powder and instant espresso, if using.
Whisk until it is all incorporated and is smooth, and there are no lumps.
Add the flour and stir until it's just incorporated, making sure to not overmix.
Add the toffee bits and fold in with a rubber spatula, a few times only to make sure the pieces geet mixed in, without overmixing.

If making brownie cups, use an ice cream scooper to fill the cups, about 2/3-3/4 of the way full.  I had enough for just over 14 brownie cups.
If baking a tray of brownies, pour the batter into the prepared pan/
Smooth the top lightly with a spatula to make the top as flat as possible.

Bake for 25-29 minutes (for brownies, about 19-22 minutes for brownie cups, but watch them closely to make sure they don't burn), or until the top is just set but isn't jiggly in the center.  Inserting a toothpick in the center and checking to make sure it comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs (but no batter).

Allow brownies to cool completely in the pan,

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