Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chocolate chip macaroons

These are macaroons.  Not macrons.  I've made those before (and probably will again soon, for Passover).  These are those good, old fashioned shredded coconut cookies that come in cans, which are ubiquitous with Passover.  Except they're not from a can.  These are homemade.  With just 4 ingredients.  And they're goooood.

OK, those of you that keep kosher for Passover will argue that this recipe is not really kosher for Passover.  For one, it uses condensed sweetened milk.  But I'm working on making them without the sweetened condensed milk....hopefully I can figure it out, and then I'll let you know.

Now one thing -- these call for being dipped in chocolate after they've been baked and cooled.  Although I used mini chocolate chips, and they seemed SO chocolatey, that I left out the dipping part.  Which is fine with me, especially because the dipping process can be long and annoying.  But if you wanted to dip them in chocolate, no one would hold it against you!

Chocolate Chip Macaroons
Adapted from this recipe


14 oz sweetened coconut
2 tsp vanilla
14 oz can condensed sweetened milk
2 cups chocolate chips (I used mini chocolate chips)


Preheat oven to 350.
Line cookie sheet with non-stick foil (I didn't have non-stick foil so I sprayed foil with non-stick spray)/

Mix coconut, vanilla, condensed milk, and chocolate chips together in a large mixing bowl.
Take a teaspoon-sized amount of the mixture and roll it into a ball with your hands (or cheat like me, and use a mini scooper).
Place them on a cookie sheet, spaced apart.
Bake about 15-20 minutes until golden brown (watch them carefully so they don't burn).  Mine took 14 minutes.
Cool on a wire rack.

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