Sunday, February 9, 2014

White chocolate lollipops

My friends R + R had a baby just over two weeks ago.  R + R, kinda funny, since that's the complete opposite of what they're getting with their newborn, who apparently likes to sleep well during the day and is up often at night to 'party.'  But I digress.  They had an adorable little boy, and this morning was his bris.

For his older sister's baby shower 4 years ago, I made a ton of baby-themed chocolate lollipops and sugar cookies with royal icing in baby shapes.  So when it came to the bris, I asked R if I could bring anything.  We decided on something a little different than the last time, but I did end up making cookies (just several cookies in 4 flavors, but I had to skip the royal icing because of the busted Kitchen-Aid).  I also made a few chocolate lollipops, to give out to the kids and to a few lucky adults (especially the baby's grandma, who adores white chocolate)!

These were from his big sister's baby shower almost exactly 4 years ago:

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