Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Peppermint Rice Krispie treats

On a routine trip to Target, I decided to check out the Christmas section (you never know what kind of fun holiday candies they're going to have), and came across a few fun things.  But the best?  Peppermint marshmallows.  And, because my brain works in funny ways, I immediately picked them up thinking "Peppermint Rice Krispies Treats!!" - and on my way around the store, I picked up some Rice Krispies.

I (not so) secretly love Rice Krispie Treats.  Heck, I made two different varieties during my week of birthday treats (Funfetti and Neapolitan).  And peppermint is pretty festive for this time of year.  So I figured why not make some Peppermint Rice Krispie Treats?  And why stop at peppermint marshmallows?  Why not top them with some crushed candy canes?  So that's what I did! 

I debated drizzling them with white chocolate, since I thought that would be good.  And I might have, had I actually had some white chocolate in the apartment.  Maybe next time (I did, after all, buy two bags of peppermint marshmallows ;-)).

Peppermint Rice Krispie Treats
(adapted from the Jet Puffed bag, from when I made the Funfetti ones)


3 Tbsp butter or margarine
40 Large marshmallows (The peppermint marshmallows were mini, and I remember from a while ago that they said to use 4 cups of mini marshmallows, so that's what I did with the peppermint ones)
6 cups of Rice Krispies
2 crushed candy canes (or a handful of peppermint candies, crushed)

* If you can't find peppermint marshmallows, you can add some peppermint extract (and some red food coloring, if you'd like). *


Grease a 9 x 13 inch baking pan.  My preference is Pam, but you could also brush it with some melted butter.

Microwave the butter in a microwavable bowl on high until melted (about 45 seconds).
Add marshmallows and toss to coat.
Microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds or until marshmallows are completely melted and mixture is well blended, stirring after 45 seconds.  I recommend using a nonstick spatula or a spatula sprayed with Pam.

Add the cereal immediately, and mix well.
Press into the greased pan.
Sprinkle with crushed peppermint candies, and press down a little.
Allow to cool completely.

Cut into 12 squares.  Honestly, 12 squares will be HUGE Rice Krispie treats.  I recommend cutting them into about 24 squares (4 by 6).  But that's just me.

Also, I like thicker Rice Krispie Treats, so I made mine in a 9 x 9 inch pan.  And since the surface area is smaller, I ended up using one and a half crushed candy canes

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