Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Apple pie with latke crust, take 2

When I made the first Apple Pie with Latke Crust, I was very pleasantly surprised with how it turned out.  I ate a slice right out of the oven (which was delicious), and then another the following night.  I brought a piece home for my parents to try, since I was so proud of my creation.  My dad ate a piece (cold, straight out of the fridge) and lamented to me that he liked the filling and the crust, but simply didn't like them together.  I called my mom and pleaded, "Warm the pie up, please, and you and dad try it."

So it took a while (and several calls to my mom to gently remind her to try the pie, since Thanksgiving/Thanksgivukkah was rapidly approaching, and if they both didn't like it, I wasn't going to serve it at a family function), but my mom finally called me back - she loved it, but she felt the filling was a little too sweet.  It shouldn't have been a surprise, since I ended up using fewer apples last time, but used the regular amount of brown sugar.

So when I made it again for Thanksgivukkah, I ended up making a few adjustments:
1.  I ended up using 3 apples - 2 large Rome apples and 1 large Braeburn apple.
2.  I used 1/2 instead of 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar; I kept everything else the same.
3.  I cut down the butter even more, and ended up using a little less than 1 Tbsp.
4.  I baked the whole thing uncovered, instead of covering it for the first part and then removing the foil at the end.
5.  I decided to decorate the top of the pie with the apple slices, to make it look prettier -- like a flower.

Check out my original recipe here.

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