Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Robicelli's: A Love Story with Cupcakes cookbook

I have to admit that before last week, I didn't know what a Robicelli's cupcake was.  Boy, was I missing out!  As I started reading a bit more about the Robicellis (and saw a picture of the couple), I realized that I had seen Allison on a dessert-themed episode of Chopped on the Food Network back when B was more-than-mildly-obsessed with the show.

It started with a pin on Pinterest for "Dom DeLuise Cupcakes."  I pinned it immediately and then clicked on the link.  It was a cannoli-inspired cupcake with a pistachio cupcake and a ricotta buttercream, topped with mini chocolate chips and chopped pistachios.  I made them either that night or the next day (my memory is a bit hazy about that -- the past week has been insane).  They were awesome -- and I was hooked.  Then I found a few of their other recipes online, and a few days later I made the chocolate peanut butter pretzel cupcakes.

I debated ordering the cookbook immediately, but then decided I was being silly -- since I know I'd be buying it eventually -- and ordered it on the last day of pre-order.

I can't wait to make some more of them....I'm eying one particular cupcake for a party I'm going to in early December, and I'm looking for an event to make "The Duckwalk" for -- it's a vanilla cupcake with blueberry port mascarpone buttercream, and topped with port blueberries, which just sounds heavenly to me.  Plus, I have a bottle of the namesake Duck Walk Blueberry Port in my wine rack :)

If you want to drool over the cookbook like I did, pick it up here.

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