Wednesday, July 4, 2012

No bake Oreo bars

It's hot in New York City.  I had a bunch of things I wanted to make, but these no-bake Oreo bars were the first thing I ticked off my agenda.  Partly because the words no and bake are in the title, but also because they require three ingredients.  Yes, three.  ingredients.

I do have to apologize, though - this is my second Oreo-related post in a row.  Crazy, no?  And - are you sitting down? - there will be another one soon.  But I digress.  Think of these bars as the Oreo equivalent of rice krispie treats.  They almost don't even need a "recipe" - but I've included it below.

No Bake Oreo Bars

1 16 oz package of Oreos (mine says 15.5 oz - I guess they rounded up)
5 cups of large marshmallows
4 Tbsp butter (I used unsalted)

Butter an 8x8 inch pan (I used a smaller pan, since I have an 9x9 but not an 8x8 and I didn't want them to come out too thin...oh, and I used Pam).
Line with parchment paper and let the edges hang over (I used wax paper). 
Butter the lined pan (I used Pam again).
Grind the Oreos in a food processor.
Put the butter and marshmallows in a large microwave safe bowl and microwave until puffed, about 1.5-2 minutes (mine took 2 1/2 minutes). 
Stir in the ground Oreos until combined (I recommend spraying your spatula with Pam before doing so).
Transfer to the prepared pain
Using a piece of wax paper (Spray it with Pam before doing so - otherwise it'll all get stuck onthe wax me, I learned the hard way!), press the mixture evenly in the pan.
Let sit for at least 10 minutes.
Cut into bars and serve. Oh, and they're super rich.  The ones I cut above are about 1" x 1".  Mine are a bit thicker than yours will be if you use the recommended 8x8" pan.

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