Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kit Kat cupcakes

This is the second installment of my birthday cupcakes.  First ones were the S'mores ones I posted before these.

This post is about candy cupcakes.  I wanted to make a candy-themed cupcake for my birthday but wasn't really sure what kind of candy I should choose.  I had been at Target recently and debated whether or not to buy a bag of mini tri-colored (white, milk, and dark chocolate) Kit Kats....and although I didn't buy them, I guess it stuck with me since I ultimately made Kit Kat cupcakes.

I found a recipe for Kit Kat cupcakes the old-fashioned way - through a google search and not from Pinterest!  I made a few modifications.  For instance, the blog complained that the wafers in the cupcakes popped up.  So instead of placing the wafer on top of the cupcake batter, I placed it in the cupcake tin first and then put the batter on top.  I also used chocolate filled wafers.  And my frosting, a whipped milk chocolate ganache like the recipe called for, but I had to doctor the proportions so that the consistency was right (and I don't really know the proportions).  And I, of course, topped them with a piece of a Kit Kat!

Again, I halved this recipe.  I still got 48 mini cupcakes from that.

Kit Kat Cupcakes
(Cupcake ingredients are listed for the full recipe)


Bite sized wafer cookies (48 for a half batch of batter)

1/2 cup water
1/2 cup cocoa
1/4 cup canola oil (I used vegetable oil, since thats what I had)
1/2 cup butter to a boil
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour (I replaced that with all purpose flour)
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour (So I used 2.5 cups of all purpose and NO whole wheat flour)
1 teaspoonful baking soda
1 teaspoonful salt
2 eggs
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoonful vanilla

Milk Chocolate
Heavy whipping cream
(in 3:1 ratio chocolate to cream)

Kit Kat bars, optional


Preheat oven to 350 (there was actually no cooking temperature for the recipe, so I used 350 as that is what most recipes use)

Bring water, cocoa, oil, and butter to a boil, then let it cool. 
Sifted together flour, baking soda, and salt.
In another bowl, mix together eggs, sugar, vanilla, and buttermilk.
Add the dry ingredients to that bowl.
Then add in the cocoa mixture.
Stir until blended.

Place one small wafer in the bottom of each cupcake liner.
Place 1 tablespoon of batter on top of each wafer and make sure that it completely covers and surrounds the wafer.
Bake for about 10 minutes until cupcakes are cooked through.

Make the icing: Boil cream.  Pour on top of chopped milk chocolate.  Mix until all chocolate is melted.  Let cool.  Whip until holds peaks.  Pipe onto cupcakes.  Top with a piece of Kit Kat.


  1. I am planning on making these for my coworker's Birthday later this week, where did you find the vanilla wafers with chocolate filling?

  2. I found them at a deli near my apartment. They came in a bag and there were more than enough to make the mini cupcakes. In a pinch, I'm sure you could buy regular wafers and cut them with a very sharp knife into bite-sized pieces. Good luck!

  3. So how much chocolate & cream did you use & how much did it make?

    1. It was a while ago, but I think I made about 18 oz chocolate with 6 oz cream. And if I remember correctly, I got enough for 14 or 16 mini cupcakes. But the ganache didn't whip up (I ran out of time to let it cool enough), so I assume if you were able to whip it, you'd get more. Again, it was a while ago, so I'm not completely sure of the numbers. Hope that that's helpful.
