Sunday, April 8, 2012

Matzah gnocchi

Two thumbs WAY up to Bon Appetit!  In the April 2012 issue, they have a section on an Italian Passover Seder.  Instead of matzah balls, they have matzah gnocchi.  Now, I'll be honest...matzah balls are one of my all time favorite Passover foods, and I've even been known to order them at the diner when it isn't Passover.  So while part of me was intrigued - and excited - about trying these gnocchi, part of me was thinking to myself "why fix something that isn't broken?"  However, I think they're different enough from matzah balls so that they aren't trying to fix matzah balls as much as they're a great addition to the soup (my mom served both matzah balls and this gnocchi at the second seder).

Matzah Gnocchi (from Bon Appetit)

1 large (11-12 oz) russet potato
1/4 cup matzah meal
1 Tbsp finely minced fresh chives
1 Tbsp finely minced flat leaf parsley
Pinch of freshly ground nutmeg (I used the pre-ground stuff and it was fine)
Kosher salt
3 large egg yolks, beaten to blend
Freshly ground black pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil (for drizzling)
Chicken broth


Preheat oven to 400F
Bake potato until tender, about 1 hour.  Let cools lightly. 
Peel potato and pass through a ricer or food mill (or press through the holes in a colander) into a medium bowl.
Add matzah meal, herbs, and nutmeg; season to taste with salt (and pepper, I think they left that out)
Add yolks, stir to form a dough.

Divide dough into 4 pieces.
Working with 1 piece at a time and keeping the others covered with a kitchen towel, roll dough into a 12" roll.  Cut into 1" pieces.  Transfer gnocchi to a parchement-lined rimmed baking sheet.  Cover with a towel.

Bring broth to a simmer (I used salted water, because I wanted to serve them with cheese, and couldn't if they were cooked in chicken broth).  Season with salt and pepper.  Add gnocchi, simmer until tender, 4-5 minutes.  Divide among bowls.  Drizzle with olive oil. 


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