Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sweet-and-spicy candied nuts, take 2

About three and a half weeks ago, I made these sweet-and-spicy candied nuts, with one major flaw: I accidentally left out the granulated sugar!  Desperate to try and salvage them, I tossed the warm nuts, just out of the oven, with granulated sugar with some success.  However, when it came to planning for the super bowl, I thought that these nuts - in their original form - would be a great snack.  Plus, I promised you I'd eventually make them properly.

Now these nuts definitely hold up to the rave reviews.  I made mine with a few shakes of cayenne pepper, but they could've used a little more.  Some were perfectly spiced, but a few bites were more sweet than spicy.  They're super easy to make, amazingly tasty, and would make a great gift if you want to bring a homemade gift to someone's home - plus they travel well!

Check out the original blog post for the recipe.  But check out what they look like when made properly.  I just hope these last until the super bowl...

 Sadly, I've learned that pictures of candied nuts don't do them justice.

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