Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oreo rice krispie treats

Today I left class famished.  I ate breakfast and lunch, sat through a few hours of lecture, and then left.  Hungry.  Very hungry.  I wandered into a little deli near school in search of a snack, something to tide me over while I ventured downtown to help a friend.  In my mind I had settled on pretzels, but they were nowhere to be found.  Sure, there were large bags of pretzels and small "single serve" bags of chips, but no small bags of pretzels.  I left, upset, and wandered a little further, eventually ending up at Starbucks (naturally).  A skim latte, I rationalized, would help wake me up and would render me totally functional and helpful by the time I got to my friend's.  But I knew it wouldn't be enough, and I'd need a snack, too.  Now I honestly don't remember if I've spoken about my addiction to Starbucks on this blog before, but there is one thing you need to know about it: I am addicted to Starbucks coffee drinks (and doing school work in Starbucks).  Their regular coffee is definitely not my favorite by far, and their desserts in that fridge never look all that appetizing (the calorie count on the label doesn't help, either).  But there I was, hungry, and - despite my best efforts to get a somewhat healthy snack - staring down the desserts in the Starbucks fridge deciding what to get.  Eventually, I chose the marshmallow dream bar, their version of a rice krispie treat with extra marshmallows in it, and I realized something.  Rice krispie treats are good.  Damn good.

Fairly recently, while searching for recipes, I came across a recipe for cookies and cream rice krispie treats.  I copied it down but can tell you that it was nowhere near the top of my "things I want to bake really soon" list.  That changed, however, when I took a bite of that delicious rice krispie treat and realized that (although I really don't need them), I'd like more rice krispie treats in my life.

Consider that a done deal:

6 cups rice krispies cereal
20 regular Oreos, crushed (I used double stuffed Oreos simply because I had them here for another project)
5 cups marshmallows
3 Tbsp butter

(I halved the recipe and used a smaller dish.  I know I said I'd like more rice krispie treats in my life, but just not that many)

1. Spray a 9 x 13" baking tray and a spatula with non-stick spray and set aside
2. Put the rice krispies and crushed Oreos in a bowl, and mix
3. Place the butter and marshmallows in a large microwave safe bowl.  THEY WILL EXPAND A LOT, SO MAKE SURE YOUR BOWL IS BIG ENOUGH.  Microwave them for about 3 minutes, until marshmallows are mostly melted and very puffy.
4. Remove from the oven carefullt and stir to fully combine the butter and marshmallows, making sure that the marshmallows are fully melted.
5. Pout the marshmallow mixture over the cereal/Oreo mixture and mix with the prepared spatula, QUICKLY.
6. Use the spatula to press the mixture into the dish and flatten it as needed.
7. Allow the mixture to cool before cutting into squares.


The link above gives you storage directions, although I highly suspect that they'll be gone before you have to worry about storing them...

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