Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lemony (lime) slice-and-bake cookies

I went out for a lovely dinner with a friend of mine on Friday night.  After dinner, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things, and then I came home and did what any stressed out, overworked grad student with a looming paper deadline would do - I whipped up a batch of Lemony (Lime) Slice-and-Bake cookies.  I found this recipe for Lemony Slice-and-Bake cookies, but I much prefer lime to lemon, so I used both lemon and lime in the recipe.

The dough is incredibly easy to make.  When I rolled it out, I used some wax paper and rolled it directly in that, minimizing the mess on my counter (because although I have the time to make and bake the cookies, I just don't have the time to clean the counter...clearly).  I'm planning on baking one of the logs tonight, and freezing the other for a few weeks, until I need to bake them for my doormen (I'm trying to be productive with my stress-induced baking).  And working on my paper while the dough chills.

It's hard to tell in the cookies above, but after I drizzled them with the icing (which I made with both lemon and lime juices), I added some of the finger lime "caviar" to them as added decoration and flavor (sadly, it doesn't show up so well because I've been taking most of my photos with my iPhone right now). 

I even took the ends, re-rolled them into a mini log, and rolled that in coarse sanding sugar, and sliced it into mini cookies:

And all plated and ready for serving:

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