Thursday, October 15, 2020

Happy (almost) Birthday, JulieBakes!

It's funny how you never forget certain dates.  

It's been a whirlwind of a year!  The COVID pandemic hit NYC mid-March, and working in healthcare and losing our childcare (we were so lucky that baby J's grandparents watched him, but with COVID and the fact that out parents are older, meant we couldn't risk putting them at risk), well suffice it to say it's been an interesting 7 months...Oh, and then we moved at the beginning of October.  Seriously.

But, as I sat talking to B last night, and he asked me the date, I realized "Wow, JulieBakes' birthday is in 2 days!"  I don't know why, I haven't posted in nearly 3 years, but there I was remembering that this little blog of mine has a birthday on October 16!  (Full disclosure, I had to look up exactly how old the blog was turning, and was floored when I calculated that it's NINE YEARS OLD!)

Unfortunately, it's looking like I won't be able to bake anything in time to celebrate the blog's birthday, but I do have a bunch of Halloween treats planned.  I literally spent way too much money on Halloween sprinkles over the weekend...

Happy (almost) Birthday, JulieBakes!  Nine years old, I honestly can't believe it!