Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Champagne marshmallows

2016 has been a crazy year, and it's only January 4th. B and I rang in 2016 with some friends at a delicious and decadent Peking duck dinner at one of our favorite restaurants before heading back to our place for dessert and champagne. After the clock struck midnight, we headed over to a local bar that was closing after that night.

Two days later, B and I headed out for a staycation at a nearby hotel....literally around the corner from our apartment.  It was an opportunity for us to 'get away' for a little before work consumes us over the next few months.  It also happens to be where he proposed (and I (of course) said yes!)!!

So two days into the new year and we were newly engaged!  Big things happening in 2016!

I had wanted to make champagne marshmallows for New Year's Eve but time totally got away from me. So with some leftover Veuve Cliquot (I'm so fancy; and photo-ops with a split of Piper, too!), I made some belated New Year's and Happy Engagement Champagne Marshmallows!

Now -- before you ask -- let me answer a few questions.  First off, no, I will not be making my own wedding cake.  And no, I will not be making 170 (or more) fancy cupcakes for our wedding party, either!

But chances are that as it gets more stressful planning the wedding, I will be baking a lot more.  So at least that's a benefit to you.  Like these champagne marshmallows.  I made them as a celebratory treat.  Because, besides the fact that I drank close to a bottle of Prosecco over our staycation and the celebratory dinner we had with my parents and sisters the following night, champagne is the epitome of celebration!

Champagne Marshmallows 
Forever adapted from the world's easiest and most delicious marshmallow recipe

The recipe makes "24 1+ inch square marshmallows" from a 7x11 inch pan.  I used a 9x9 inch pan and got 36 1+ inch square marshmallows.


1/2 cup water
1/2 cup champagne
3 Tbsp. + 1 1/2 tsp. unflavored powdered gelatin (3 envelopes – envelope is 1/4 oz. each, for 3/4 oz. total)
2 cups granulated white sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. fine salt

1.5 cups confectioner's sugar
1 cup corn starch
Spray a 9x9 or 7x11 inch baking pan and line with parchment paper (Recommendation: cut to fit flat on the bottom, with the edges of the paper over-hanging the sides. The ends are fine just sprayed.)
In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, pour in the champagne.
Run the mixer a few times to  release some of the bubbles.
Sprinkle the gelatin over.
Let stand.
In a medium saucepan over high heat, stir together the sugar, corn syrup, salt and the remaining 1/2 cup of water.
Stir until sugar dissolves and mixture begins to boil.
Stop stirring and once mixture comes to a rolling boil, continue boiling for 1 minute.
Remove from the heat. (Recommendation: the original recipe said that they like to carefully pour mixture into a 2-cup glass measuring cup, to make it easier to pour into mixer.  I did this and found it extremely helpful!).
The mixture is very, very, very hot.  Be extremely careful!

Turn the mixer to low and mix the gelatin a bit to loosen.
Very slowly and carefully add the hot sugar mixture by pouring it gently down the side of the bowl.
Continue to mix on low until all the sugar mixture is added.

Turn the mixer to high and whip the mixture for 10 to 12 minutes until the marshmallow batter almost triples in size and becomes very thick.
If you have a smaller mixer bowl, you may need to scrape down the sides of the bowl frequently to avoid the batter overflowing as it grows.

Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking pan (a silicone bowl scraper works like a charm for this) and use a spatula or bench scraper to spread the marshmallow evenly in the pan, pushing it down into the corners.
Work quickly, as the marshmallow becomes more difficult to manipulate as it begins to set.

Spray a sheet of plastic wrap liberally with cooking spray and lay it across the top of the marshmallow, sprayed side down.
Using you fingers, smooth the plastic wrap on top of the marshmallows a bit to seal it smoothly and tightly against the mixture.

Leave the marshmallow to set at room temperature for at least 3 hours or, even better, overnight.
The marshmallow will be too sticky and soft to cut if you try too soon.

Whisk together the corn starch and confectioner's sugar in a bowl.

When marshmallows are ready, grab the edges of the parchment and lift the marshmallows from the pan.
Remove the plastic wrap from the top and fold down the parchment on the sides.
Using a pizza cutter or a large knife, cut the slab into 1- × 1-inch squares.
Roll each of the freshly cut marshmallow squares into the corn starch-confectioner's sugar mixture.