Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Toasted marshmallow Rice Krispie treats

When I saw this recipe, I just knew I had to make them!  I'm a sucker for Rice Krispie treats, and I love the taste of a good toasted marshmallow, so combining the two seemed like the best of two worlds (I'm still beating myself up that I hadn't thought of this myself).

Before I even tried them, I knew they'd be a keeper, so I made a double batch from the get-go.  Boy was that a smart move!  The double batch barely lasted in the apartment, and it's just me and B!

These Toasted Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treats use all of the same ingredients as the original ones.  Nothing added, nothing new or special.  But what they did was elevate those ingredients....toasted the marshmallows, browned the butter....and the final product was exponentially better than the individual parts, if that is even possible!

Look at those perfectly toasted marshmallows!  Truth be told, they could even be toasted more if that's the way you like your toasted marshmallows, but those happen to be toasted to my preferred level of doneness!

Toasted Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treats
From Cookies & Cups
I doubled the ingredients (listed below are the ingredients for a single batch....but don't be shy, double them like I did!)


1/4 cup butter (I used unsalted)
1 10.5 oz bag of mini marshmallows
6 cups Rice Krispies Cereal


Grease a 9 x 9 inch pan lightly with cooking spray.

Melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium-low heat.
Continue cooking the butter, swirling pan until it becomes a nice brown color (it takes about 5 minutes).
Remove from the heat.
Transfer browned butter into a large bowl or pot, big enough to hold the Rice Krispies and be able to mix them.  Alternately, you can brown the butter in the bigger pot and cut down on the amount of items needed to be cleaned later, like I did.
Set aide.

Turn the oven on to broil.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Evenly spread the marshmallows onto the lined sheet.

Place the marshmallows under the broiler for 45 seconds to 1 minute, until marshmallows are puffed and deeply golden.
WATCH THEM CLOSELY, as they can burn very quickly!

Lightly grease a rubber spatula with cooking spray.
Immediately scrap the marshmallows into the bowl/pot with the butter.
Stir to combine quickly.
Pour the Rice Krispies into the toasted marshmallow mixture.
Stir to combine.

Press evenly into the prepared pan.

Allow to cool before cutting into squares and serving.

Hope that they last long enough that you get to eat a second one!!